As Blue Crane Group, in addition to Chinese companies that will make investments in Turkey for the first time, we provide professional support to Chinese investors who want to increase and diversify their existing investments or to get a more institutional service in investment planning and management. 

From pre-investment feasibility to relevant legal processes, from plant, factory or workplace construction to legal and financial consultancy, from guidance and orientation to marketing and corporate communication solutions, we provide multi-faceted services to Chinese investors under the following main headings:

Financial Advisory

Office Management Services

Incentive Consulting

Real Estate Consulting

Office Design and Application Services

Marketing Communications Solutions

As Blue Crane, we have gathered all operational transactions that Chinese companies will need for their existing or new investments in Turkey, within our group. Together with our Chinese friends, we manage all the economic, legal, commercial and administrative operations necessary for a foreing investment activity to take place in Turkey.


Our support continues even when the investment is completed and the established companies start their activities: We add value to both newly established companies and existing Chinese investments with our strong experience in the advertising, marketing and communication sectors, with marketing communication strategies and effective corporate communication solutions, and we continue the brand journey of investments together.


Before we plan every stage of the investment professionally and provide every necessary service in a complete manner, first of we give confidence. We know that at the beginning of every successful journey, there are solid steps taken with mutual trust.

Communication in Chinese at every stage of investment
We communicate in Chinese at every stage of our services, understand better the expectations on an important issue such as investment, and speak the same language with our Chinese investors to create and efficient and profitable business.

Starting a new business is hard work, we know. We make your job easier.
Starting a new business is hard work. Moreover, in a foreign country, it is much harder. Therefore, we have brought together all the services that Chinese companies will need during their investment process in Turkey. We gather all the work that needs to be done in the independent process of the investment, each of which requires different knowledge and professional experience, under a single roof, and we offer a “key-ready” service to our Chinese friends.